An Experience Content Sharing Platform in Personal Intelligent Vehicles

Kazutoshi KOZAKAI
Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
Katashi NAGAO
Center for Information Media Studies, Nagoya University

1 Introduction

We are researching and developing personal intelligent vehicle AT and physical, informational environment that surrounds it based on the concept of Mountable Computing. We aim to record personal experience data using information that depends on the real-world situation by using AT as a new communication medium, and develop a system that shares and reuses such experience data.

In this research, the experience data called Experience Content is made. On an experience content sharing pratform, We can use the authoring tools to arrange the experience for oneself. As a result, we can edit an experience content and plan a new experience for oneself by viewing and citing it.

In addition, we have developed a reliving support system as an example application archived by sharing experience contents. The system It helps the users' experiences by using results of integrated two or more contents of themselves or others.

2 AT:Personal Intelligent Vehicle

AT (Attentive Townvehicle) is a personal intelligent vehicle that adapts to a person who is the passenger and an environment that surrounds the vehicle, and can behave cooperatively through the communication between vehicles. In the AT network, the server that performes as a base of the communication between ATs, and that provides some server-client style applications exists.

3 Experience Content Sharing Platform

3.1 Experience Content



3.2 Authoring of An Experience Content


4 Reliving Support

4.1 Reliving

4.2 Reliving Support System

5 Summary and Future Work